Glycine Food Sources

The best (but not the only) food sources of glycine are the following:

  • Lean veal sirloin, cooked (100g) - 7245mg
  • Mozzarella, part skim (100g) - 4644mg
  • 1/2 Turkey breast - no skin (306g) - 4562mg
  • ½ chicken, no skin (329g) - 3458mg
  • Clams (20 small, 190g) - 3036mg
  • Tuna, canned in oil (1 can, 171g) - 2391mg
  • Lean round beef, 0% fat (100g) - 2199mg
The best food sources of glycine are from high protein foods - meat, eggs, dairy, fish, poultry

For a more comprehensive list of glycine food sources, visit:


  1. Self Nutrition Data. Foods Highest in Glycine
  2. Vital Health Zone - Glycine.


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