
Some interesting facts about cobalt:

  • Cobalt is a trace mineral
    Cobalt is a trace mineral, which means the body needs only very small amounts of this mineral to maintain good health of the cells and tissues in the body.
  • Cobalt is a part of vitamin B12
    Cobalt is actually an integral part of the vitamin B12 (cobalamin) molecule, which means it is necessary for folate and fatty acid metabolism.
Cobalt supplements are used by some athletes to increase performance by increasing aerobic fitness - it seems to help enhance cell respiration
  • Most of the cobalt in the body is stored in the liver
    Most of the cobalt in the body is stored in the liver, where it stays until it is required for the various processes with which it is involved.
  • Some athletes use cobalt to enhance performance
    Cobalt supplements are used by some athletes to increase performance by increasing aerobic fitness - it seems to help enhance cell respiration.


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