Carnosine Benefits

Carnosine's benefits include:

  • Carnosine is an antioxidant and protects against free radicals
    Carnosine is a potent antioxidant which protects the body against free radical damage, by stopping the damaging effects of the free radicals before they can cause any ill health effects, such as heart disease and cancer. Carnosine gives the immune system a big boost and strengthens the cells, making them less likely to get infected.
  • Carnosine has a protective effect on the heart
    Many studies have shown that carnosine has a very protective effect on the heart, by ensuring that it stays healthy and free from disease.
  • Carnosine may prevent diabetes-induced atherosclerosis
    A recent study has found that carnosine (or its constituent amino acids beta-alanine and -histidine) may prevent atherosclerosis which is induced in diabetes patients. The study showed that carnosine prevented LDL ("bad") cholesterol build-up in the arteries of the diabetic patients which is the prime factor for developing atherosclerosis.
Many studies have found that zinc carnosine is significantly effective at healing gastrointestinal ulcers and preventing further ulceration from forming
  • Carnosine protects against diabetic kidney disease
    Several recent studies have determined that carnosine has a protective effect on people with diabetes, to prevent risk of diabetic nephropathy (any type of kidney disease associated with diabetes).
  • Carnosine may help with autism
    A recent study has determined that carnosine can enhance frontal lobe function or be neuroprotective, with possible anticonvulsive effects. The study followed 31 children with autism, to determine if carnosine supplement had any effect on behaviour. The outcome showed that the children did display significant improvements in behaviour according to various autism rating scales.
  • Carnosine is effective at reducing cataracts
    Several studies have found that when patients with cataracts were administered carnosine eye drops.
  • Carnosine provides an effective cure for ulcers when combined with zinc
    Many studies have found that zinc carnosine is significantly effective at healing gastrointestinal ulcers and preventing further ulceration from forming.


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